
Invocation: “In the presence of the Divine, I open my heart to the beauty of creation.”

Opening Reflection: Reflect on the beauty of nature and its presence around you.

Gratitude for Creation: Offer thanks for the wonders of creation that enrich your life.

Scripture or Poetic Reading: Read a scripture passage or nature-inspired poetry.

Silent Contemplation: Enter into silent contemplation, communing with the Divine in nature’s stillness.

Prayer for Stewardship: Pray for the stewardship of creation and your role in caring for the earth.

Personal Petitions and Intercessions: Lift up personal concerns and prayers for others.

Closing Meditation: Reflect on the interconnectedness of all life and your reverence for creation.

Closing Blessing: Conclude with a prayer of blessing for yourself, others, and the earth.

Closing Moment of Reverence: Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature before returning to daily life.

This condensed liturgy is designed to provide a meaningful and reflective experience while respecting your time constraints. Feel free to adjust as needed to suit your preferences and spiritual practice.